Tuesday, February 22, 2011


No. This short blog post is not going to be about perspective in art (well, maybe a little), but rather how our perspective changes depending upon our situation.

Sprecka and I and the end of our 4 mile run

This week-end provided a wonderful, if chilly opportunity to run on the Centennial Trail. As Sprecka and I ran, I kept thinking, "I can't wait to be in the sun, I can't wait to be in the sun", as we ran through the shady sections. During the summer my mantra is "I can't wait to be in the shade, I can't wait to be in the shade" and I dread the long expanses of unrelenting sun. I wonder sometimes how much our attitude about things that happen in our life would change if we could just change how we view it - work to put it in a different perspective.

Not matter what, it's always a blessing to be able to run along this stunning trail. Norm took a few pictures offering different perspectives of scenes that we've seen before:

A different view of the three islands

A wonderfully rebuilt Cliff House. I will paint this at some point.

In the studio this week I'm playing with insects. Sometimes you just need to have a little fun. I love drawing insects so I thought I would experiment with Daniel Smith's Luminescent Watercolors. (If you missed my blog about my love affair with Daniel Smith, read here). I got some samples and have been looking for a project to use them on.


  1. If you zoom in on the third picture you can find a gaggle of geese along the sandbar in the river. Pretty day, but everything seems blue...
