Our living room is covered in mat board.
I love choosing the perfect colors to compliment the colors in each painting. Norm isn't as fond of cutting them all out for me, but he's a trooper. I think the lesson learned here is to keep up with the matting.

Now that the website is up and looking WONDERFUL, I am moving to the next stage of figuring out pricing, packaging, and the ins and outs of creating prints from paintings.
Please give me any feedback you have about the website, particularly the portfolio section. We've added more information and also descriptions of each painting.
This week I'm working on winter photos of the trail. Today I'm working from this photo:

It was taken in late December and I am drawn to the white trees against the darker pine trees, reflecting in the frigid Spokane River.
Our forecast here in Spokane is for a major winter storm to move in tonight. That probably means that we will get 1/2 inch of snow. But on the off chance that their prediction of 6 or more inches is correct, we're all set: plenty of food, ice melt, and good company (the dogs particularly love the snow, especially snoozing in the art studio while it falls outside).
Have a wonderful week.