After a four week break to rest a hurting Achilles tendon, I took my first run yesterday. The first mile and a half felt wonderful. Actually my tendon felt pretty good throughout the entire run. I started to really tire early, which was a little disappointing. I was hoping that continuing to work out on the elliptical trainer would help me to get back into running quickly, but I think there really is no substitute for actually running. Maybe 2 miles my first day would have been a better goal than 3. Oh well, no matter what, it was a joy to be out. The only downside is that my tendon is a bit sore today.
I could feel summer slipping away as I ran the trail yesterday. The geese were honking and flying overhead and the breeze was warm but it had that feeling of lateness about it and the shadows felt longer in the afernoon sun. I wanted to reach out and hold onto summer, keep it from leaving. It seemed so short this year.

Norm wanted gingersnaps, so I baked those up too.
There are some nice things about fall being just around the corner.
Your bread looks wonderful and I love the "bite out of it" cookie. You're right about it feeling like fall. The oak leaves and acorns are beginning to fall and the wild turkeys are back looking for something to eat and I'm back into sewing.Your blog is the "next best thing" since we can't be together.Love all the picture updates. Hope your tendon feels better soon. xox